Research & Innovation
The HRB-TMRN facilitates novel research into the issues of the design, conduct, analysis and reporting of clinical trials through well-defined research projects. The HRB-TMRN has had 3 cohorts of PhD Students in University of Galway, UL, UCC, UCD and TCD.

The HRB-TMRN is active across many different research areas relevant to trials methodology, with a strong focus on trial recruitment and dissemination of findings from trials.
The HRB-TMRN welcomes requests for direct involvement in grant applications to carry out specific pieces of discrete research, such as Studies within a Trial (SWAT), in methodological areas relating to the primary trial. The network offers a variety of different support levels to help embed trials methodology research within grant applications. For further information on including the HRB-TMRN in a grant application, please contact