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Trial Governance Placement Scheme

The main objective of the HRB-TMRN Trial Governance Placement Scheme is to place Irish researchers involved in trials (Principal Investigators, Trial Managers, Statisticians, Clinicians etc) and Patient / Public Contributors on experienced trial governance committees for randomised trials led from the UK. This Scheme will partner with the Centre for Trials Research (CTR) at Cardiff University, Wales.

Trial Governance Placement Scheme

The HRB-TMRN Trial Governance Placement Scheme places Irish Researchers involved in trials (principal investigators, trial managers, statisticians, clinicians etc) or ‘Mentees’, virtually with experienced Trial Governance Committees internationally, to gain hands-on Trial Governance experience in a high-quality environment. The HRB-TMRN are proud to partner with the Centre for Trials Research at Cardiff University, Wales for this scheme.

The aim is to provide Mentees with the opportunity to observe and learn from experts in Trial Governance, across all trial governance committees.

This placement scheme is open to anyone working in health or social care in Ireland, with an interest in Trial Governance at any level. Applicants must be resident of the Republic of Ireland at the time of application.


Award Details

The HRB-TMRN plans to make approximately 20 Trial Governance Placements available between 2023 and 2025. Placement duration depends on the number of committees applied for, specific committee availability and duration of placement.

Trial Governance Committee Types

The following Committee types can be applied for. All requirements will be met subject to availability on the current trial portfolio of the host centre.

The following Committee types can be applied for. All requirements will be met subject to availability on the current trial portfolio of the host centre

    • Trial Management Committee
    • Trial Steering Committee
    • Independent Data Monitoring Committee
    • Risk Assessment Group

Full details of the scheme and description of these committees is available in the Guidance Notes.

Who should apply

Mentees may be in full-or part-time employment and can be clinicians or clinician-academic trainees, researchers, academics and/or postgraduate students currently residing in the Republic of Ireland and with a work/study remit relevant to clinical trials and interventions.

Placements will be offered to those individuals that can best justify the benefit of placement and the potential for impact. Previous experience is not a requirement, however, attendance on Independent Data Monitoring Committees (IDMCs) will be restricted to those with a clearly articulated need for this training. Members of the public / patients who envisage a role in trial governance are welcome to apply.

Benefits for Mentees

It is expected that Mentees will gain the following benefits from their participation in the Trial Governance Scheme:

  • Practical, hands-on experience on how trial governance committees operate and function.
  • €500 bursary to support travel for networking with committee members, if required.
  • Networking and collaboration opportunities with international experts.

Application Process

Opening Date: January 08th 2024 | Closing Date: March 01st 2024

  1. HRB-TMRN Placement Application Form – Complete the application form and sign.
  2. Curriculum Vitae – 2-page (maximum) CV in PDF.
  3. Submit the Application and CV as a single PDF attachment to by March 01st 2024 at 1pm. Please include “Trial Governance Placement Scheme” in the email subject line.

Applicants are advised to read carefully these Guidance notes, which outline the conditions of the Placements before completing an application.

Available Downloads

Below you will find all relevant forms for this call.

Recommended Reading / Resources

PPI Involvement in Trials Governance

Prof Derek Stewart OBE, shares his views on PPI involvement in Trials Governance 

HRB Policy on Clinical Trials and Interventions Governance

Health Research Board (Ireland)

NIHR – Research Governance Guidelines

National Institute for Health and Care Research UK

Video Resources

Trial Governance Committee Resources 2024

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