Successful SWAT Awardees
The HRB-TMRN offers annual competitive funding for the conduct of a Study within a trial (SWAT). Below is a list of successful awardees and their SWATs.

Year | University | SWAT Lead | Title |
2024 | University College Dublin | Prof Valerie Smith, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems | Comparing enhanced written plus audiovisual information versus standard written information alone for disseminating trial results to trial participants. |
2023 | University College Cork | Dr Frances Shiely, HRB Clinical Research Facility & School of Public Health | Evaluating the feasibility and useability of the TMRN-TMRP Communication Wheel for trials: A non-randomised SWAT process evaluation using RE-AIM |
2022 | University College Dublin | Prof Suzanne Guerin, School of Psychology, | Testing a framework for mixed methods integration in the context of a randomized controlled trial with process evaluation: A case study from the DIAdIC Trial. |
2022 | University College Dublin | Dr Sinead Holden, Clinical Research Centre, School of Medicine, | Adaptive messaging to optimise adherence to remote delivery of a mHealth intervention in randomised trials: a Study Within A Trial (SWAT). |
2020 | University College Cork | Dr Frances Shiely, HRB Clinical Research Facility Cork & School of Public Health | Does patients’ guided self-reflection on their illness increase engagement with and recruitment to clinical trials: a mixed-methods study within a trial (SWAT). |
2019 | University College Cork | Dr Frances Shiely, HRB Clinical Research Facility Cork & School of Public Health | Development and testing of a novel multi-trial programmable animation platform: An education intervention to improve the efficiency and success rate of pre-screening and subsequent recruitment |
2018 | University College Cork | Prof Patricia Kearney, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health | Seldom heard: Listening to patients and the public during intervention development |
2017 | University of Galway | Dr Valerie Smith, School of Nursing and Midwifery | Statistical methods for compensating for missing longitudinal data in a cluster-randomised trial |
2017 | University College Cork | Dr Karen Matvienko-Sikar, School of Epidemiology & Public Health | To determine if provision of information about a core outcome set (COS) increases response rates and attitudes toward trial questionnaire completion |
2017 | University of Galway | Dr Brian Slattery, School of Psychology | Examining the influence of an informational video on participant retention in a randomised controlled trial |
2016 | University College Dublin | Dr Ricardo Segurado, School of Public Health, Physiotherapy & Sports Science & CSTAR | Statistical methods for compensating for missing longitudinal data in a cluster-randomised trial. |
2016 | University College Cork | Prof Patricia Kearney, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health | Patients’ perspectives and preferences on clinical trial dissemination: the TRUST Thyroid trial experience. |
2016 | University College Cork | Dr Shane Cullinan, School of Pharmacy | The influence of different healthcare professionals delivering an intervention in a medication optimisation trial. |

Study within a Trial (SWAT) Funding
In 2023 the network will provide further funding for one SWAT award. This award is worth up to €10,000 (25% institutional overheads of direct project costs also available) and will provide for the implementation of a self-contained methodological research study in a planned or an existing randomised trial.
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